Privacy statement
As a customer you have confidence in mv-advisory.
That is why it is my responsibility to protect your privacy.
This privacy policy is applicable on the services I provide to you as a customer.
Mv-advisory respects the privacy of all users of her website andmakes sure that the personal information I receive from you, is being treated with discretion and respect.
By filling in the contact document on the website, you give me insight in certain personal data.
These data allow me to contact you per e-mail, per telephone or per mail.
Mv-advisory keeps your records no longer than needed to accomplish our common assignment and will not be given to third parties, without your written consent.
These records can only be shared if strictly necessary to execute our assignment or to comply with legal obligations.
This can never happen without your prior written consent.
You always have the right to look into your personal records, to change them or to erase them whenever the legal requirements admit this.
Mv-advisory takes the protection of your personal records very seriously and takes the necessary measures to prevent abuse, loss or unadmitted access, publication or unapproved changes .
If you would have any feeling that for one or another reason that mv-advisory is not protecting your privacy records, you can report this to ' de Commissie voor Bescherming van de Persoonlijke levenssfeer '( Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel )
I regularly check my commitment to this privacy statement.
If you would have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me :
Marleen Vermeulen
© 2019 Marleen Vermeulen - Webdesign by L'auffice